Wednesday 15 October 2014

Test #1 Reflection, Getting Back on the Rails

Prior to heading to the exam centre the fateful day I had my first midterm I knew I had a gap in my understanding of the current material.  I felt I had a pretty solid grasp on most of the topics, but after doing the first assignment, I knew I was weak when it came to Venns.  I keep somehow convincing myself that I "get it" but sometime keeps slipping by me which I am working hard to address now since it feels pretty darn essential.  If anyone that reads this has a good resource (in particular Venns when it comes to statements) I would be forever grateful.  If I can't work it out soon though I'm just going to suck it up and head to office hours.  Naturally though the last question which I only got 1/6 marks on was about Venns (I'm almost certain I hardly got any marks on Assignment 1 question 4 as well).  Now that I got my Test 1 mark back I'm renewed with logic knowledge attainment energy because I can most definitely do better, and I'm sure these feelings will likely double after I get Assignment 1 back.

I'm going to try to start updating this more regularly, and aim to do a post on my thoughts on proofs this weekend, or at least before the next tutorial.

Sunday 21 September 2014

We Have Lift Off

Here is the first post of my CSC165 course mandated SLOG.  I understand that writing is good for the mind, and that many software industry professionals have blogs and that it opens networking opportunities but I still find it interesting that we have to do one.  Guess it's one of those things where they put a lot of emphasis on reviewing coursework in first year courses since it's a strongly beneficial habit.

The last two weeks have been a roller-coaster of not having much work to do, not doing much work, then finding out I have a decent sum of work to do.  I'm sure staying ahead in all courses will aid my managing of stress levels so it seems time to buckle down.  CSC165 in particular hasn't been too difficult, but it's difficult to gauge just how well I have a grip on the material with the lack of practice questions.  If this course is retaught in the future I would suggest adding non-marked practice questions that aren't just the 2-4 questions provided in tutorials.  For example 5 questions on conjunction/disjunction, 5 questions on negation, etc. to do over the weekend is optimal for how I learn personally and I prefer to save past tests for before the actual tests happen.

As a final note I find Danny's sense of humour on point.